Thursday, March 27, 2014

This is Water.

It has been estimated that the average American is exposed to 5,000 advertisements a day.

With this endless stream of information constantly flooding our consciousness, it's rare to see something that stops your life and causes you to evaluate your purpose.

This video is one of those.

Originally presented by David Foster Wallace as a graduation speech at Kenyon College, "This is Water" takes the road less traveled with respect to post grad-advice by focusing on the less-glamorous aspects of real life, day-in and day-out, that no one ever shares with a soon-to-be grad.

Whether you are on the standing on the cusp of your future or all too familiar with the monotony of "nine-to-five,"  Wallace's speech calls for self-evaluation.

"This is Water" left me with the message that happiness comes not in getting what you want when you want in, but rather in the ability, or willingness, to see beauty and understanding in the things around you.

When we as humans learn to be tolerant and understanding of people other than ourselves, we can then find gratitude, which turns whatever we have into enough.

Let this speech inspire you to reflect on the person you are and the person you want to be.

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