Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy Happy Happy!

On this, the first day of Spring, the United Nations is celebrating their "International Day of Happiness" for the second year.

Borne out of the rapidly increasing rates of depression and suicide world wide, the first UN holiday purposes to remind us that it is not the possessions and money that give real happiness to humanity, but family, friends, generosity and gratitude.

And what's not to be happy about? Did you go to sleep in a bed last night, warm in your own home? Did you drive your car this morning to your job, perhaps stop for a coffee or biscuit? Did you go to class today, where you are receiving a college degree?

Maybe your car is a piece of crap. Maybe your house is small. Maybe your job sucks and your bank account is empty. But if you're reading this post, you have a computer, or a phone, and you have access to the internet. Congratulations, you have a privilege not available to 61% of the world's population.

So take a page out of Buddy the Elf's book -- learn to smile, make smiling your favorite. Sing in the store. Hug everyone you see in the elevator. Put some syrup in your spaghetti. Tell people how lucky you are to have them. Get a little joy in your life!

Maybe you love your dog as much as Marty Huggins.

This guy gets it.

If Anges can't make you smile, you might have a bad case of Kristen Stewart.

No it's not, Kristen.

And if that's not enough, today just so happens to double as the first day of spring, and we can all be happy that warmer weather is on the horizon.

Tell someone you love them today!

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