Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Divergent: Trust me, you fit.

Ding, dong, the day has come!

I have purchased my ticket and the countdown is on: 10 days until Divergent!

If you are currently pissing and moaning about all this Divergent hullabaloo, bitch-squealing about teen fiction fandom, or rolling your eyes because you just can't stand another damn article about this bologna, politely exit where you entered.

But if you are currently asking yourself, "What is Divergent?" you sound like a person willing to learn, and that I can work with.

Adapted from the bestselling young adult fantasy by Veronica Roth, "Divergent" is the first in a trilogy thats follows Beatrice “Tris” Prior, who lives in a future version of Chicago where people are evaluated and divided into five factions based on their personalities and virtues.

After a standard aptitude test, Tris finds out she is "divergent," or has an aptitude for more than one faction, and she doesn't fit neatly into the rigid boxes her society has constructed -- a dangerous trait. 

Choosing to hide her divergence and join "Dauntless," the faction that values bravery, Tris meets instructor and love interest Tobias "Four" Eaton. The two create a rebel romance and become united in their deadly secret of divergence.

The series is just the latest installment in an ever-growing genre that has bred success to many before it, including "The Hunger Games," "Twilight," and the would-be pioneer "Harry Potter."

I can shamelessly admit that I, Taylor Higgins, am a fangirl. I even find myself surfing Buzzfeed or Pinterest, laughing at all the little jokes and nuances only a fangirl would get.

I can neither confirm or deny that I took a quiz to determine which faction I belong to. (Divergent, go figure.)

But this is a news blog, not a fan board, so I'm not going to take it to that level (though not for lack of enthusiasm.)

Let's say you haven't read the book. The bad news is, you're probably one of three on the planet. The good news? There is still plenty for you to love in "Divergent."

Exhibit A: Theo James, a.k.a. "Four."

You don't have to be an Erudite to appreciate the genius that created this fine specimen. (Sorry...)

And if he asks to through knives at your head, there is just one decision left to make.

Will you lean to the right, or to the left? Because you're sure as heck aren't going to say no.

Not just beauty, but brains too, folks. Four and Tris find themselves leading a revolution to change their society and tear back the cloak of a corrupt leader. 

"Divergent" is not just another tale of young romance; it's also about young adults finding their purpose and learning to navigate life based on morals and values. 

But who doesn't love a good love story?

Divergent hits theaters on March 21. Midnight Premier. Palladium Cinemas in High Point. See you there.

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