Monday, June 9, 2014

20 Things You Need to Let Go

Elite Daily recently published an article titled, "The 20 Things You Need to Let Go to Be Happy."  Reading this list, I reflected deeply on myself and how ridiculously I am shorting myself. The biggest thing robbing me of happiness is on the other side of the mirror.

Starting tomorrow morning, I am writing a single item from this list on a post-it and sticking it to my phone, where I will see it all day long. If you know me, you understand that this post-it will overlay the other four post-its stuck to my phone every day. (Post-its are my harmatia.)

Everyday I will do this same thing for 20 days. Try it with me! Tomorrow is June 10, so lets spend the month of June bettering ourselves and arrive in July completely renewed and reminded how worth we are of happiness.

I am looking forward to letting go of my negativity, insecurity and unrealistic expectations. Come July 1, I will be a whole new woman!

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